
Big weather dragon pokemon
Big weather dragon pokemon

big weather dragon pokemon

Quetzalcoatl created the boundary between the land, sea and skies. It is the Aztec god of wind, air, and learning, and is depicted as a feathered serpent that flies through the air. The Ziz is a part of Judeo-Christian mythology, and rules over the sky and birds as a primordial beast.įinally, Rayquaza may also be inspired by the Quetzalcoatl, a serpent deity from Mesoamerican culture. Rayquaza may also be inspired by the Ziz. As Rayquaza has no wings, but flies, the Lindworm inspiration fits nicely. The Lindworm is described as a long dragon without wings, and is shown as a serpent like dragon.

big weather dragon pokemon

It is also known as the God of the Dragons and represents evolution. Symbolically it is considered a deity that fosters harmony, in Pokémon by settling the battles between Kyogre and Groudon. Japanese dragons are often depicted as long, winding, wingless serpents, that are usually shown having power over water, which could be taken as control over Kyogre and Groudon. There are several inspiration for its design, including the traditional Japanese dragon, and the Lindworm. Raquaza is a large serpent like dragon, it is often considered reminiscent of a Komodo dragon because of its visible pink gums. Raquaza is known as the ‘trio master’ and is believed to solve conflict between Kyogre and Groudon by descending from the skies, as it lives in the ozone layer. Unlike Kyogre and Groudon it does not have a Primal form. Rayquaza has a Mega Form that is currently unreleased in Pokémon GO. Rayqauza is the 384th Pokémon in the Pokédex. It is weak to Grass, Water and Ice, but it strong against Electric, Poison, Steel, Fire and Electric. Groudon is a Ground type, whereas Primal Groudon is a dual type of Ground and Fire. Groudon has access to a variety of move types, including Dragon, Grass, Fire and Ground. It may also involve 土 do which is Japanese for ground, andドン don which is a Japanese onomatopoeia for a very loud crashing noise. Don also means tooth in Ancient Greek and is commonly used in dinosaur names, which Groudon takes inspiration from in terms of design. Groudons name may come from a combination of ground and don, which is Spanish for Lord. The Behemoth is described as a land monster that lives in the desert, and is often called a chaos beast. Groudon may be inspired by the Behemoth of Judeo-Christian mythology. Groudon in design is quite dinosaur like, with black markings that glow with power, and many spikes that cover its body. It has been said that Groudon has saved many people from flooding. Groudon has the ability to expand continents, and it is also said to be able to cause droughts and volcanic eruptions, which it uses to create more land. This has not yet been added to Pokémon GO so we are unsure how these mechanics will work.


Groudon does not evolve, but it can become Primal Groudon in the main series if it holds the Red Orb. Groudon is the 383rd Pokémon in the Pokédex. It is weak to Grass and Electric, and is a powerful Pokémon to use against Fire, Ground and Rock. Kyogre has access to a variety of type moves, including Water, Electric and Ice.īoth Kyogre and Primal Kyogre are pure Water types. Kaiōsei is also the Japanese name for Neptune, the god of the sea in ancient Roman times. It may also involve the Japanese word 海王 kaiō which translates as king of the sea. Kyogre’s name may be a combination of the Japanese word 海 kai, meaning ocean, and orca. In appearance the original Leviathan was shown as a sea serpent which doesn’t fit Kyogre, but the themes of Leviathan match it well. The Leviathan was considered ‘master of the seas’, which suits Kyogre well, as a whale that can control the seas. It is depicted as as giant sea creature, and in later lore is often shown as a giant whale or sea monster It is said that Jonah was swallowed by a Leviathan, and the term is often used to describe all large whales in modern times. Kyogre may take inspiration from the Leviathan of Judeo-Christian mythology. Its tail appears to have been tattered into 4 sections, possibly due to its endless battles with Groudon, or potentially as a comment on human treatment of the oceans. In design, Kyogre has many orca/whale like elements, and the stripes on its body glow when it is at its most powerful. It is said to have saved people from droughts using these abilities, and in the Pokédex is often described as the ‘personification of the seas’. Kyogre has the ability to expand oceans, as well as control water and rain. Kyogre does not evolve, but it can become Primal Kyogre if it holds the Blue Orb in the main series. Kyogre is the 382nd Pokémon in the Pokédex.

Big weather dragon pokemon