
Farsky kraken
Farsky kraken

farsky kraken
  1. #Farsky kraken upgrade
  2. #Farsky kraken crack
farsky kraken

Some resources don't show up on your map (Iron, Copper & Magnesium) so always keep your eyes open for shiny/glowy/party rocks. (It's like drilling without staring at a wall for three hours!) Extractors work on any deposit, just be sure to come back and collect it all! Fear not! By placing an Extractor on the deposit you can continue to explore while gathering those ever-important resources. "But drilling takes forever!" I hear you cry. (Look at those resources, look at them shimmer and shine. If you're playing in Sandbox Mode then try and position your base near as much Iron as you can for maximum drilling. Iron is easy to spot silvery veins in rocks and outcroppings, and it's found in the shallows.

#Farsky kraken upgrade

It can be used to expand your base, make weapons and, more importantly, upgrade your equipment. Iron is the most important material (and the most common). In order to get those resources you'll need to drill. In order to survive down here you'll need resources. (You see the fish? Do you see the shark behind it? Don't kill that fish) WARNING: HUNTING FISH WILL ATTRACT PREDATORS THAT THINK YOU ARE TASTY! HUNT ONLY NEAR YOUR BASE! You can choose to farm crops that you find in chests (we will discuss farming later), or you can hunt for fish. Luckily there are plenty of options when it comes to eating. Unfortunately you need Health in order to stay alive, so keeping on top of your rumbling belly is a priority. Over time you will get hungry, and if your Meter reaches 100% you will begin to slowly lose Health. Your Hunger Meter is one of your greatest enemies. (Tempting as it is, try not to do a backflip) As with the Oxygen Tank, this can be upgraded later on, so stay away from any vertical drops and explore the shallows.

#Farsky kraken crack

You have a Maximum Depth you can dive to before your suit begins to crack and break. (Some of the jokes in this guide will be rather "base")ĭon't go too deep either. Stay close to your base and gather resources until you can afford to upgrade your tank, the last thing you want is to wander too far out and suffocate. Don't worry, later in the game you can upgrade your Oxygen Tank so you can stay outside for longer, but right now you're stuck with a small tank. Without Oxygen you suffocate, so returning to base frequently is a must. You have to worry about your Oxygen Level, your Depth and your Hunger Meter. Farsky isn't about simply wandering across the ocean floor searching for Submarine parts.

Farsky kraken